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Digital Finance

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Big Financial Data

We provide solutions in managing and optimizing the enormous quantity of data in possession for more efficient Data Governance.

Our Approach

Quality, security, and accuracy in data management are essential for a financial institution, since it is responsible for the enormous amount of sensible information belonging to its customers. At the same time, it is important to process data in such a way as to make it quickly distributable and easily accessible when needed.
The solution approach is to develop a new single governance system of legacy data, to optimize the existing procedures and to reach higher levels of efficiency.


Our solution address customer needs with the implementation of application where the modules provides a complete dashboard with a system that guides employees through the steps in a simple and effective work flow, reducing time, with added value.
Through our application platform, we collect data from different sources that result in storing them into system database. Our platform allows the employees to check the various steps and the managers, with a security, to correct the knowledge outcomes automatically detected by the system.


Digital Finance

Where Business Meets Technology

When business needs are met by iTOO Technologies, evolution, innovation and transformation arise.

Continuous Innovation & Digital Transformation

Continuous evolution of technology will increase both the size and speed in market reach. The increase of Data will exponentially increase complexity, challenges and our decision-making processes.
New skills to address will quickly be in short supply. Digital solutions will enable us to make better decisions, quicker. Technology and Business are coming together, now with more than ever synergies to transform at every level the way we work and live. Where they meet, innovation happens and transforms into a New Digital Ecosystem.
With the market demand and continuously evolving in tech trends and new needs we revolutionize the way we live, work, and look after each other.
In today’s modern technology, the current technological edge is called Digital Transformation. This transformation, especially after the post covid, is focused on core processes. Those processes we have managed and evolved. We continue to be a Partner that can bring a balanced approach, with a guaranteed equilibrium, as we mix traditional to new technology and business trends. To be able to hold this position we must be able to guarantee solidity and reliability, which is what the market always recognizes in us.

Managing Complexity through Digital Ecosystems

The Digital Ecosystems are built around multiple stakeholders. They are based on and founded on horizontal technological capabilities.
They are powered by a series of business processes and services which leverage technology to deliver businesses outcomes. The combination of tech capabilities and business needs are where innovation is happening today.
Most market needs will be met by technological innovations and by generating new things. Technology is never self-sufficient, but without it, we cannot solve many of the issues at present we are facing.
The combination of technological skills, business and functional capabilities of an entity gives us the leverage the opportunities offered by continuous technological evolution
Currently, most of the integrators are trying to leverage short midterm tactical actions as initial steppingstones for a more strategic approach to evolution. But due to the overall pace of all trends, there are huge unmet needs. To act one needs to have a bigger vision. Above all, today, the world needs tangible concrete actions and solutions. Technology can accelerate the adoption of new processes which in time will lead to a change of business.
With the current situation there are some fundamental and tough decisions to make as all business models are being reshaped, as relationships are re-thought and as the whole world is trying to grasp these transformative trends to evolve.


Our Approach

Our Value Proposition

We address organizations across all verticals. Our knowledge of the market is coupled with a constantly evolving technological know-how, supported by our partner eco system. We offer a diversified portfolio and leverage our knowledge to build best of breed solutions and implement and integrate them for our customers. All major technology players are our partners, and we work with them to bring the best possible solutions to the market.

Agility & Reliability

Our relentless focus on innovation, continuously investing in training and systematic approach on constantly acquiring skills and solutions to expand our portfolio are the key drivers of our business sustainability and a front runner in the market.

Our value proposition is based on the balanced approach in stitching together a good and reliable traditional technology with agility of today’s cutting-edge digital technologies, both proprietary build by others as well as commercially of the shelf for the organizations. With a constant eye on emerging technologies for adoption as they reach maturity. All this is achieved through our processes, support, our partners and technology domains.

Digital Currency

The New Economy Challenges and Opportunities.
The arrival of a digital currency supports the goals of driving digitisation, providing citizens with a new form of secure money, and contributing to strategic autonomy.
The digital currency in general is tangible and supports the economic policies of the any countries monetary policies, to meet the emerging payment needs of a modern economy by offering digital cash and secure digital asset with advanced features, thereby ensuring the economic growth for the country.
But the challenges and benefits are likely to result from the way the digital currency is introduced with a series of requirements including robustness, resilience, security, efficiency, and privacy protection.
In this fast-moving economy scenario, all financial regulators and institutions are monitoring the developments and the consequences that will gradually emerge. We are offering our services as a partner to support financial institutions in assessing the impact on processes, on the products and services provided and the potential for developing new lines of business.

We help organizations transform into financial digital ecosystems

We guide financial institutions towards new digital ecosystems. This is through innovate processes, providing esteem needs of end customer experience, and create new value for the future. The era of single product is coming to an end. This is due to operational uniqueness and competition. Instead, we are entering a period in which it is necessary to bring together diversified services under single umbrella, each one forming part of a same network and interoperating, depending on their expertise.
We build comprehensive solutions that are of latest technology and functionality, tailored to the specific needs of financial institutions and proposes an agile and innovative model, which uses the collaboration of technology and business processes to offer a digitalisation path where skills, best-of-breed technologies and geographical presence are integrated.

Our offerings

We support transformation of financial institutions into Open, Data & Cognitive Banking/Insurance to make the customer journey simpler and more immediate. We support them in revising their credit, customer relationship and advisory processes using new technologies. AI & Advanced Analytics, RPA, Cybersecurity and Cloud enable a digital and omnichannel relationship to meet and connect with people’s needs.

Fintech, the future of Digital Finance

Banks must relate to their customers not as “users” but as “persons” with needs as well as the ability to save and invest. This is precisely the opportunity and the challenge for banks in the coming years, the integration of different services to offer customers the financial tools they need, quickly and without necessarily waiting for the implementation time of new projects.
Fintech is the revolution brought by digital technologies in financial sector. Banks will have to learn to invest in various supply chains and communicate with them. Everyone contributing, will feed the richness to the ecosystem. They will have to invest in creativity, culture and everything that will network.

Technology Path

Trusted IT Solution & Service Business Agency


20 years of experience


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